No Justice, No Peace
I do want to keep this short since I’m not really the one to speak on some of the atrocities happening this summer. But I’m hoping that things can start looking up in terms of making change and dismantling systemic racism in our nation’s system.
I will always be in a position of listening and learning, and I hope that I can be looking for opportunities to give others a platform to speak. On my Instagram, I began story folders with information and attachments from resources across the states that I am always adding to. Feel free to send me things there and here (via my email) on racial injustice, disparity, environmental issues, and other such moral issues—I’d love to be able to learn more and supply others who are less aware of things happening in our world.
UPDATE 1/1/21: Attached above are three films I made after the events of police brutality in the summer, inspired by the pandemic, voting injustice and racial injustice. Feel free to watch and share, as well as clicking on the referenced news videos for more information!