Spooky Szn Cabaret

What a thrill; who knew I’d get so many wonderful opportunities to be filmed this semester?

The film above is a compilation of two fantastic instances: 11th Hour, the student theatre company at my school, allowed me to film and devise my own Halloween-themed performances to their cabaret. My hope is to be able to continue presenting myself in future works so as to become more acquainted with the newly developed “film theatre,” and to continue producing work that feeds me!

The second fantastic instance is my vocal recital, a videoed presentation of all my fellow seniors and I singing for our school for the last time. I chose something I have always loved but not done much of before: JAZZ! I have often been told I have a voice that would dovetail with jazz songs, and jazz has been one of my first musical loves since I was a child, but it’s taken me up until my last year in school to finally present myself publicly singing it! I received many positive reviews about the piece, and from such feel much more confident (and perhaps even inclined) to sing more songs from the jazz era for future vocal recitals!

Madeleine Norton

The beauty we experience in this world must be shared!


An Enemy Of The People


The Wave And The Ghost